For some time, rbb had been using a solution that enabled mobile journalists (MoJo) to upload their shot iPhone video footage to the central production system for moving images (VPMS) using a web-based interface. However, uploading was only possible within the rbb premises. As a result, the approximately 90 mobile journalists often had to make extra trips to the sites and lose time on current topics. Against the background of an increasing number of MoJos, this solution was no longer sufficient.
Consequently, the next step was to enable location-independent uploading. Journalists could then make their material available to the editorial team directly from the shooting location, with only a minimal time delay.
sommer + spohr was commissioned with the project management and conception of this project.
For this purpose, the consulting firm designed a future-proof, cloud-based system architecture to extend the existing solution. For the MoJos, an in-house web-based solution for iPhone and iPad was implemented, which does not differ in appearance and functionality from the in-house upload interface.
Netorium with their partners Hiscale and ministry of code implemented the new system. The upload interface for capturing metadata was deliberately kept slim to allow quick input.
In addition, a possibility was created to make the original files available in a separate central storage for further use. This means that the original resolution and thus the optimum quality is available when re-cutting to a different aspect ratio, for example.
The rbb has recently been using the new MoJo solution productively and successfully. With the cloud-based system architecture, rbb now has the basics in place to take the next step and open up the solution to external consumers, who are already delivering daily with increasing tendency. Viewers can thus be better integrated and the increasingly important user-generated content finds its way more easily and securely into the media house.