<img width="1500" height="643" src="https://www.consulting4media.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Fokusthema-Projektmanagement-3-1500x643.png" alt="" decoding="async" /> <h4>Everything is becoming more digital, agile and networked - including projects. Whereas previously the focus in projects was often on the development and adaptation of a specific product, issues such as data security, data protection, support, controlling, license and change management are now of crucial importance. This is partly due to the increasing spread of Software-as-a-Service (Saas) services and partly due to the increasing end-to-end integration of many applications.</h4><h4>This development not only changes the way project teams and the affected parts of the company work, but also requires an adaptation of project management itself. Traditional project management is often too cumbersome and rigid for the new requirements and can even slow down innovation. This is where agile project management, such as Scrum or Kanban, scores points by focusing on flexibility, iterative development and continuous feedback. The trick is to find the right combination of project management methods for the project. This will often be a traditional milestone plan, with the milestones themselves being developed using agile methods.</h4><h4>We are happy to assist you with our experience and use our HI*-supported project generator to find the best approach for your project.</h4><h6> </h6><h6>*HI = Human Intelligence</h6>
<img width="1253" height="537" src="https://www.consulting4media.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/iStock-1177257269-1253x537.jpg" alt="Workshop Moderation" decoding="async" /> <h4>In the course of our projects, we repeatedly encounter situations in which creative work is necessary. Be it to draft a vision, a charter or to collect and prioritize requirements, or even to venture into rough system designs. Over the years, we have gained valuable experience in facilitating creative work in workshops.</h4><h4>The innovation and cost pressure in our industry is high and requires creative solutions in order to remain competitive in the market. We have realized that for this particular challenge, the workshop itself - without being involved in a project - can offer great added value. In a protected space, it allows the participants to develop ideas that can then become the nucleus of new projects and plans, detached from day-to-day business.hWe have successfully held stand-alone workshops on the following topics, for example:</h4><ul><li><h4>Development of a joint approach for two state broadcasting organizations to develop an innovative software solution</h4></li><li><h4>Project kick-off for the construction of a new radio studio</h4></li><li><h4>Vision and requirements for portfolio and project management</h4></li><li><h4>Design of a central production environment in the ARD with the experts from the state broadcasters</h4></li></ul><h4>In all cases, the customers were able to achieve a major effect with a small investment and make well-founded decisions about their upcoming projects.</h4><h4> </h4><h4>Did we spark your interest in organizing a workshop for you and your team? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!</h4>
<img width="1254" height="537" src="https://www.consulting4media.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/News-Spotlight-Labor-1254x537.jpg" alt="Proof of Concept" decoding="async" /> <h4>In order to meet the ever faster pace of technological change in the media industry, it is crucial to efficiently evaluate and implement the various new technologies and solutions. A proof of concept (PoC) is a critical step in this process. It allows the feasibility and potential of a particular technology or solution to be demonstrated before committing extensive resources to its full development and implementation.</h4><h4>A well-established test environment is useful not only for product evaluation or a technology test, but also as a long-term fixture. For example, you can also evaluate cultural changes in the event of major changes such as the move to IP in the broadcast infrastructure.</h4><h4> </h4><h4>Would you also like to hold tangible results in your hand after a PoC? Please feel free to contact us.</h4>